Developed by physicist, Moshe Feldenkrais, this gentle and powerful approach facilitates reeducation of movement patterns to improve efficiency and ease. Advanced motor sciences applied through movement explorations bring about a reorganization of patterns and habits of functioning.

The benefits of Feldenkrais® are enjoyed by those who are seeking peak performance, relief from pain, and greater comfort in daily activities. Work smarter, not harder and enjoy the results more.

Trying the Feldenkrais Method for Chronic Pain from The New York Times

Interview with Pain Doctor and Rheumatologist Milton Cohen

A Documentary on the Feldenkrais Method


An Exploration Through Movement

A Course Created and Taught by Angela Crowley Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner

“Neuroplasticity is an exciting, quickly expanding and respected field of science and medicine providing vast new applications for movement specialists. Applications include neurological issues and pain, but reach much farther into the realms of learning, healing, and expanding human potential. In this highly experiential course, participants will explore the relationship of the plasticity of the brain to movement. Through Feldenkrais® lessons, discussion and observation, participants discover the magical and potent coupling of neuroplasticity and movement” Angela Crowley

Discover how to utilize movement to mobilize the plasticity of the brain.


Principles of Intelligent Movement® is an approach to movement therapies that is the product of years of studies for Angela. The fundamental laws of movement hold true for the body motion in all activities and apply to the elite athlete and the aging equally. These critical principles incorporate biomechanics, energetics and movement theories into a cohesive and unique approach.

As an educational platform for physicians, physiotherpists and movement educators, Principles of Intelligent Movement® provides the lens through which to see efficient movement as applied to activities of daily living, rehabilitation and performance training.